There are plenty of opportunities to help the Body of Christ, email Fr Michael to discern how God is calling you.
+ Altar Guild (Maintaining & Preparing for Worship)
+ Altar Server (Assisting in Worship)
+ Cemetery Committee (Keeping the Cemetery managed and maintained as an extension of the Vestry’s duties & responsibilities)
+ Children, Youth, & Family Coordinator (Welcoming Families at Holy Cross)
+ Choir (Singing & Assisting the congregation in praising God through our voices and musical talents)
+ Coffee Shop (Tues & Thurs Hospitality)
+ Counter (Assisting the Treasurer with financial accountability)
+ Eucharistic Visitor & Pastoral Care (A Caring ministry for members & non-members of ALL ages including visiting, checking on absent members and visitors, and keeping up with birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations)
+ Facilities Sexton Team (Keeping the facilities clean)
+ Flower Guild (Preparing flowers for worship and special occasions such as Christmas & Easter)
+ Food Pantry (Keeping the Little Food Pantry stocked and maintained)
+ Greeter & Usher (Welcoming worshipers – the first person you will see)
+ Hospitality (Welcoming and providing refreshments)
+ Lay Reader (Reading God’s Word on Sundays and Special Occasions)
+ Men’s Ministry (Fellowship & Service to the community)
+ Military Liaison (Engaging Military Active & Retired – Working with Shaw AFB)
+ Mission & Evangelism (Serving & Sharing the love of Jesus inCommunity both locally, regionally, & globally)
+ Nursery Angel (Making sure the Nursery & Church Children’s Area are clean, safe, and inviting)
+ Secretary (Help keep the Parish Office Organised, Assist with Publicity and publications)
+ Vestry (Lay Leadership Team seeking to serve God at Holy Cross)
+ Women’s Ministry (Friendship & Special Projects)
A Prayer for Holy Cross
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” – 1 Peter 3.8 ESV
Heavenly Father, help us to love one another, exercise humility and exhibit a tender heart so we will be united in Spirit. May our Lord Jesus Christ always be acknowledged and reverenced as the Head of Holy Cross Church. AMEN.