WEDNESDAYS in Lent 11.30 am – 12.00 pm (Cranmer Hall)

Wednesday Lenten Holy Communion
12.00 pm – 12.30 pm (Cranmer Hall) preceded by a simple Lenten Lunch and Lenten Series in Cranmer Hall.

Bible Studies
Sunday 09.00 am – Bishop Lawrence Conference Room
Wednesday 06.00 pm * – Cranmer Hall
* Wednesday Evening we enjoy “Serving Grace“, a meal with fellowship during Bible Study.

Lunch Bunch
Bring your own lunch on Mondays at 12.30 pm for fun, fellowship, & Music (Cranmer Hall)

Life’s Simple Pleasures . . .
Bring friends and invites folks to join Gary Fowler on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7.30 am – 10.30 am for FREE homemade Biscuits, Coffee and a place to sit back and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

Men’s Ministry News
Men’s Ministry 6.00 pm – Meeting the last Thursday of every month for fellowship and discussion/updates on projects. The next Men’s Group Meeting is Thursday 27 February 6.00 pm (Cranmer Hall).

Women’s Ministry News
The Women’s Ministry meets for fellowship, devotion, and mission. The next Women’s Ministry Meeting is Thursday 20 February 10.00 am (Cranmer Hall).

Knitted Hearts Handicrafts & Fellowship
Wednesday mornings 10.30 am Bring your current project and enjoy the fellowship as you work on your handicraft. Contact Patricia Hamilton for more information 803.934.0926 (Oxford Classroom Upstairs).

Church of the Holy Cross
335 North Kings Highway
Sumter, SC 29154
Contact Fr Michael Ridgill at 803.305.8780 or Email.
Church of the Holy Cross exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a parish church in the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina under the leadership of Bishop Chip Edgar and a member of the Anglican Church in North America.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3.16 ESV
Church of the Holy Cross is not a member of, or affiliated with, the Episcopal Church.